About The Kristy Nicolle Fantasy Infiniverse
Award-winning author of over a million published words, I’m currently working on a supersized series called The Kristy Nicolle Fantasy Infiniverse. This enormous project captures an ever-growing magical universe that will span up to and beyond seventy published works where characters from across multiple storylines and dimensions can collide in the most magical and unexpected ways possible.
Why is the Infiniverse exciting for you as a reader?
When I was a kid, I loved stories. I still do, with some of my favourites being Harry Potter (Of Course), The Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, and Divergent. One of the things all these series have in common is that they construct entire worlds for the reader.
So, now it’s my turn to give my readers what i always craved.
What did I want, you ask?
I always wanted more.
More backstories, more insight, more details that made the world real. I wanted the story to go on forever, but with how publishing has worked for so long, there was always a limit to how much an author could do. That limit is gone now, what with self-publishing putting the control completely in my hands, and it is my intention to create an ever-expanding fantasy universe where the reader gets a say in what stories are told, and which moments are further explored and elaborated. Imagine if you could tell J.K Rowling which character’s backstory you wanted most, and then a few months later she actually gave it to you. Imagine if you could decide how much or how little of a fantasy world you explored, along with the author? Well, that’s what I’m offering. In this new age of self-publishing, my options are pretty much infinite, which means that so are yours.
Ready to dive into my fantasy infiniverse that could span as much as one hundred stories?
Let’s see how rich, how large it can grow, and just how much readers can contribute to shaping my fantasy Infiniverse into somewhere they never want to leave. After all, It was built with no-one but you, the reader for whom one story, one series, or one point of view is never enough, in mind.
In case you were wondering, this is the face i get when i'm thinking about killing off your favourite characters... nah just kidding... Or am I?
About Me
Hi, I’m Kristy Nicolle, a 27-year-old British writer achieving freedom from the pain of my Ehlers Danlos Syndrome diagnosis by bringing fantasy worlds to life for my readers. I currently enjoy spending time in my fuzzy PJs with my kitty arch nemesis, Moo, and love all things mermaids, unicorns, and glitter! My books centre around high detail, high action fantasy worlds, full of badass female characters who love to get steamy.
About My Blog- Freedom Through Fantasy
My Blog Freedom Through Fantasy follows my journey discovering and exploring aspects of life with chronic pain, author life, books I love and can’t stop talking about, mental health, fantasy aesthetics, and the inner workings of my cat’s psychotic mastermind.
Post topics include but are not limited to-
Coping with, advocating for, and spreading awareness of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Chronic Pain, and Mental Illness.
Living as an independently published author, mastering all the skills it takes to conquer the industry, and sharing my knowledge.
My life as an avid reader who is obsessed with recommending my favourite stories to others.
Dealing with the realities of having a psychotic mastermind for a cat.
The concepts behind fantasy as a genre and aesthetic, including how fantasy can be used to help you cope with the banality of the everyday.